Upgrade AntiDDOSu a ...
16:18 23.09.2016
Vážení zákazníci,
chtěli bychom Vás touto formou upozornit na nucený upgrade AntiDDOS systému a konektivity na našich serverech. Ten bude probíhat 29.9.2016 od 11:00 do 16:00.
Během tohoto upgradu může docházet k výpadkům konektivity (tedy sítě) na nezbytně nutnou dobu, což může mít za následek dočasnou nedostupnost Vašich serverů "z venku".
Děkujeme za Vaše pochopení.
S pozdravem, vedoucí Hicoria
------------ English version below ------------
Dear customers,
we would like to inform you about forced upgrade of our network bandwidth, we will be also upgrading our AntiDDOS system. This upgrade will take place on 29. September, 2016, from 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM.
During this period of time, your servers might lose connection to the internet for a needed upgrade time, which can cause several availability issues. Nevertheless, these issues will be only temporary.
Thank you for understanding us.
Sincerely, CEO of Hicoria
chtěli bychom Vás touto formou upozornit na nucený upgrade AntiDDOS systému a konektivity na našich serverech. Ten bude probíhat 29.9.2016 od 11:00 do 16:00.
Během tohoto upgradu může docházet k výpadkům konektivity (tedy sítě) na nezbytně nutnou dobu, což může mít za následek dočasnou nedostupnost Vašich serverů "z venku".
Děkujeme za Vaše pochopení.
S pozdravem, vedoucí Hicoria
------------ English version below ------------
Dear customers,
we would like to inform you about forced upgrade of our network bandwidth, we will be also upgrading our AntiDDOS system. This upgrade will take place on 29. September, 2016, from 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM.
During this period of time, your servers might lose connection to the internet for a needed upgrade time, which can cause several availability issues. Nevertheless, these issues will be only temporary.
Thank you for understanding us.
Sincerely, CEO of Hicoria